• [Preprint] Linglong Qian, Tao Wang, Jun Wang, Hugh Logan Ellis, Robin Mitra, Richard Dobson, Zina Ibrahim. How Deep is your Guess? A Fresh Perspective on Deep Learning for Medical Time-Series Imputation, arXiv preprint, abs/2407.08442, 2024.
    [DOI Link] [PDF]
  • [Paper] Wenjie Du. PyPOTS: A Python Toolbox for Data Mining on Partially-Observed Time Series, arXiv preprint, abs/2305.18811, 2023. (A short version appeared in the 9th SIGKDD International Workshop on Mining and Learning from Time Series (MiLeTS'23))
    [DOI Link] [PDF] [Code] Citation number on GoogleScholar
  • [Paper] Wenjie Du, David Cote, Yan Liu. SAITS: Self-Attention-based Imputation for Time Series, Expert Systems with Applications, 219:119619, 2023.
    [DOI Link] [PDF] [Code] 2022 IF-8.665/JCR-Q1/CAS-Q1 Citation number on GoogleScholar   ESI highly cited paper
  • [Talk] Wenjie Du. Efficient and Effective Time Series Imputation: from RNN to Transformer, Virtual Presentation at Ciena Corp., Montreal, Canada, July 9, 2021.
  • [Paper] Wenjie Du, David Cote, Chris Barber, Yan Liu. Forecasting Loss of Signal in Optical Networks with Machine Learning, IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, vol. 13, no. 10, pp. E109-E121 (2021).
    [DOI Link] [PDF] [Code] 2022 IF-4.508/JCR-Q1/CAS-Q1 Citation number on GoogleScholar